ReCharge Subtle Energy PEMF
ReCharge Subtle Energy
Low Power Dual Pulse PEMF
MSRP $5000.00

The ReCharge Subtle Energy is a Dual Pulse Low Power Unit

Low Power PEMF Therapy
The ReCharge Subtle Energy is our low power, low intensity PEMF unit. While it is similar to other low power PEMF brands such as multi-level marketed brands such as BEMER ($5995 with a ultra low power is 0.35 gauss), iMRS,($5000 with ultra low power is 0.7) or others like QRS, MAS, Omni and others. However, this unit has more advanced and superior technology because ReCharge Subtle Energy PEMF has 2544 Gauss and utilizes the Dual or Parallel Pulsing technology, none of the others do!
This unit offers 8 different pre-set programs based on well established Brain Wave frequencies so that the user receives different benefits based on the frequency selected.
Improve Sleep Increase Blood Flow Reduce Inflammation
Relaxation Decrease Healing Time Helps with Depression
Reduce Pain Help with Headaches Accelerate Bone Healing
Our manufacturer is a PhD - Physicist and former NASA scientist, where the initial PEMF subtle energy studies were performed for the U.S. Space program.
Brain Wave Enhancement
The human body contains an estimated 37.2 Trillion human cells and 30-40 trillion bacteria cells living within the gastro-intestinal tract. There are roughly 171 billion cells in the average human brain, including 86 billion neurons. These neurons communicate with one another to regulate every part of your life. The brain produced both chemical and electrical signals to communicate from neuron to neuron. These oscillating signals run at different frequencies depending on the needs of the brain and body.
The electromagnetic field of the human brain is stronger than the human heart. The human brain and nervous system are constantly emitting electrical signals through the complex neurological system throughout the body.
Brainwaves are electrical signals that are electromagnetic in nature and reflect brain activity. These electrical impulses can vary in speed and measured in cycles per second, or hertz (Hz). Researchers can detect a person’s mental state and measure the electrical activity in specific brain areas related to a particular brain function while looking at the brainwave activity. You can think about them as the ripples you can see on the water surface after throwing stones. There is always a presence of each brainwave in different parts of the brain, but some will be more prominent than others depending on whether that person is awake and thinking, or relaxing or sleeping. The brain signals are called waves and divided into 5 types based on frequency. The most commonly measured brainwaves are Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta. Each wave type indicates a level of activity that is occurring in the brain.
The body is constantly regenerating itself and this requires energy to do so. This is why we breathe, eat, and sleep. When the body has low energy, the brainwave amplitude drops. The cells are no longer functioning at optimum energy levels. These different brain frequency waves correspond with states of consciousness known as Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Synchronizing your brainwave patterns to specific states through light, sound, or electromagnetic pulses is called Brain Entrainment.
Benefits from Brain Wave Enhancement
These brainwave patterns are directly related to your thoughts, emotions, moods, biological chemistry, sleep, appetite, metabolism, and our daily life in more ways than we can imagine. Brain entrainment has been shown to positively influence sleep (Fischer, 1990; Pelka 2001 ), memory (Aparnathi, 2014), as well as attention, mood, and energy levels (Nutt, 2008).
Brain Entrainment is natural and holistic; it adjusts the activity in the brain conducive to the circadian rhythms of the body. Circadian rhythms are part of the body’s internal clock, running in the background to carry out essential functions and processes. One of the most important and well-known circadian rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle. Using Theta and Delta waves can adjust the brain to the natural circadian rhythm. Interruption of the body’s natural circadian rhythm can affect things such as mood and sleep.
The circadian rhythms throughout the body are connected to a “brain” master clock located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. Circadian rhythms influence mental health, as well as the risk of psychiatric illnesses. (Jagannath , 2017)
Depression is treated using PEMF in many countries across the world, and depression has been shown to be a cause of insomnia (Nutt, 2008), as well as a disruption in the body’s natural circadian rhythms. Therefore, we suggest Brain Entrainment with PEMF as a powerful tool to enhance your mood and help you sleep better.
Magnetic fields from a small battery-operated 4 Hz generator were tested in a double-blind study. Effects on sleep were studied prior to treatment and after 2 and 6 wks of treatment. They found that this field and intensity was effective in reducing sleep disturbances in 83% of the exposed group, compared with 57% in the controls. Slow-wave activity (0.5-4.5 Hz) is believed to play a role in brain restoration and memory consolidation. (Massimini, 2005).
People who use Brain Entrainment with PEMF have reported having a full and restful night sleep, as well as waking up with more energy in the morning. They also report, better ability to focus as well as retaining information from the previous day.
ReCharge Subtle Energy
The ReCharge Subtle Energy PEMF emits brainwave frequencies that influence the brain with either Delta frequencies for enhanced and deep sleep of transcendental meditation, Theta frequencies for deep relaxation and enhanced creativity, Alpha frequencies for light meditation and visualization, Beta frequencies for a state of alertness, focus and concentration, or Gamma frequencies for increased brain activity and insights. It may help with Brain function, Sleep, Relaxation, Headaches, Concussions, increased blood flow & circulation, bone healing and wellness.
So easy to use with 5 separate settings or use 2 at a time.
Delta Brainwaves – Deep Sleep
Delta Waves are the slowest type with the highest amplitude (wavelength). These brainwaves are most commonly observed in people during deep sleep when no dreaming occurs. They are primarily located in the brain’s right hemisphere during stages 3 and 4 of sleep and increase in intensity as the sleep becomes more profound. If you’ve ever awakened confused, irritable, and disoriented, this is likely because you woke up in the middle of your delta brainwave sleep stage.
Besides favoring deep sleep, reaching this mental state has many benefits (5):
·Improves memory performance by improving hippocampus function
·Induces a deep state of body relaxation
·Promotes the release of human growth hormone
Although Delta waves are vital to deep, restorative sleep, if they’re prominently experienced during the waking hours, they can affect brain performance. Therefore, excessive Delta waves during the day have been associated with brain injuries, learning problems, and ADHD.
Theta Brainwaves – Deep Meditation and First Stages of Sleep
The next step up from Delta waves are the Theta Brainwaves. They are particularly prevalent in the first stage of sleep and when people are daydreaming. For example, Theta waves are present when you wake up from a very light dream where you’re not yet asleep nor fully conscious. In this light sleep, you can even have the sensation of dreaming or sensory hallucinations. Theta waves are also associated with REM sleep, as we have the most vivid dreams.
In the waking state, Theta Waves are most profound during meditation, spiritual activities, and deep reflection. Great ideas can come from this state as people become more connected to their inner selves. If you have ever been driving down a highway and found yourself in a state of mind where the last few miles went by in the blink of an eye, then you were in a mixture of Theta and Alpha states.
When you’re fully awake, the right proportion of theta waves has a few benefits:
·Helps with creativity
·Relaxes your body
·Connects yourself with your intuition and subconscious mind
Like Delta waves, excessive Theta waves during the waking hours could indicate issues with brain performance. These range from head injuries to neurological deficits and an inability to focus and maintain attention. In 2013 the FDA approved the use of EEG technology to diagnose ADHD. The ratio of Theta waves to Beta waves indicates how much RESTING brainwave activity we have (Theta) versus how much ACTIVE brainwave activity we have (beta). This is represented as Theta/Beta Ratio.
Alpha Brainwaves – Relaxation
Alpha waves are usually found in the brain’s occipital lobe (backside of the brain) when patients are awake with their eyes closed. Opening our eyes would reduce the intensity of alpha brainwaves. Unlike Delta and Theta waves, these Alpha waves are not present when we are asleep.
During the day, after a mental activity, the period of time right after the task is completed and you are relaxing is a state of Alpha. Another example would be walking through a garden in a contemplative state.
Alpha brainwaves also relate to visualization and daydreaming. They increase as we reach a relaxed state of mind, and creative individuals have a higher ratio of alpha brainwaves. However, we can all increase alpha brainwaves by using visualization techniques, practicing meditation, and using deep-breathing exercises.
Using alpha waves brings out several benefits (3):
Promotes relaxation in the body and mind, reducing nervousness and anxious thoughts
Boosts creative thinking and provide us with more insight into heightened problem-solving skills
Helps artists and athletes reaching that “in-the-zone” state of mind where performance is at its peak
As Alpha waves are also indicative of a relaxed state of mind, an excess of these waves in the frontal lobes has shown to indicate ADHD and depressive symptoms.
Beta Brainwaves – Conscious Reasoning
These brainwaves are the 2nd fastest type of brain frequency and most accurately associated with the engaged brain. You will likely display Beta brainwaves when solving complex math problems or a puzzle. Logical thinkers tend to have a higher rate of Beta brainwave activity depending on their cognitive abilities. Interestignly, Beta brainwaves show an increase as we grow older.
The downside of Beta brainwaves is that too much causes anxiety and stress. An intense Beta brainwave session, like taking an IQ test, may sometimes result in a mild headache as the blood flow to the brain increases. Still, you can seize the positive aspects and avoid the negative part of Beta brainwaves by taking breaks between sessions of deep concentration. The benefits of maximizing Beta brainwaves include (4):
An increased level of alertness
Improved focus
Goal-oriented concentration
Quick thinking ability
Improvements in problem-solving capacity
Gamma Waves
An interesting type of brainwave, and one that is less talked about, is the Gamma brainwave.
These waves reflect a conscious awareness of what is around us and relate to feelings of happiness and compassion. They are also prevalent while processing information and learning at a high level. Think about how you feel when you’re immersed in a complex situation or listening to a subject matter expert on a topic of great interest to you. This is when the brain feels like it’s “firing on all cylinders.”
Currently, these waves are difficult to measure with current EEG technology, but in the future, researchers will study these more closely as they’re an integral part of what makes us human.
Benefits of Gamma brainwaves include (6):
Improvements in memory and information processing
Accurate perception of our reality
Compassion and positive thinking
Advanced learning and intelligence boost
High focus and high energy levels
Reduction of depressive symptoms
The study About Brain Wave Extreme Low frequency and Works
June 2014 Conference: International medical Association Expert talk & Conference India Volume:1
Rajendra R Aparnathi, ME - Gokul University, India ; Vedvyas Jayprakash Dwivedi PhD - INDUS University Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
(India-2014, Paper Id: 1312-0051-0285)
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